As an abstract artist, my work is a tangible rendition of what I feel as life happens. My inspiration, sometimes powerfully pronounced and other times hard to capture in words. However always strong in its pull like nature, a combination of emotions so persistent that they find their way and erupt into a melody of colors with big or short stories I gratefully tell with texture and strokes.
Art gives me the ability to paint the lessons of my past, while standing in gratitude with the present, with high hopes for the future.
I am acutely aware that regardless of the vast oceans that separates us, and despite the barriers of language, culture or creed, we are all profoundly connected by the powerful emotions we all feel under the same sky that stretches above us all. I lean on nature, colors and texture using oils and mixed media to honor the highs and lows of diverse emotions that are sometimes mine and others I stand witness to.
Art is my source of mediation, that enables me to cherish moments and memories that are several shades of life, yet through art infinitely peaceful. I am honored to share my work with you,
thank you for being here.

. Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains themind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life.
― John Lubbock